1953 Tortoise Pelikan 400

Year:  1953 Condition:  Very Good
Cap:  Brown Body:  Tortoise celluloid
Nib:  14 K medium with some flex Price:  $195.00
Length:  5" Flaws:  Shows a bit of use
1953 Pelikan 400, tortoise striped with brown cap. At least for the moment, we may have enough of these, but get them while the supply is good. Great looking 400s, always elegant and no two alike. You can sit for hours (assuming you have nothing better to do) and look into the colors and patterns, great for meetings. Wonderful pens!! This pen has a logo style nib, medium with some flex. The classic Pelikan, everyone should have one.
A Note: if none of the tortoises shown looks right to you, get in touch, we have a dozen more.